Hi Kartikeyp,
The Coincident Triumph Extreme would be an excellent choice in my
opinion. It would mate well in a room of your dimensions . This speaker is
very easy to drive( relatively flat 8 ohm load) and your Pass amplifier would
simply coast, sound effortless and remain in class A probably 99.9 % of the
time. I believe that you'd love this Pass- Coincident pairing.Coincident
speakers are very natural, transparent and most of all musically involving.
If you're seeking analytical hifi then these speakers won't suit you. Gon
contributor Brownsfan just bought these Triumphs and is ecstatic with their
sound quality. Sub woofers are of course an individual case by case
The Coincident Triumph Extreme would be an excellent choice in my
opinion. It would mate well in a room of your dimensions . This speaker is
very easy to drive( relatively flat 8 ohm load) and your Pass amplifier would
simply coast, sound effortless and remain in class A probably 99.9 % of the
time. I believe that you'd love this Pass- Coincident pairing.Coincident
speakers are very natural, transparent and most of all musically involving.
If you're seeking analytical hifi then these speakers won't suit you. Gon
contributor Brownsfan just bought these Triumphs and is ecstatic with their
sound quality. Sub woofers are of course an individual case by case