Sometimes you get what you need in unlikely places. Over the years I've owned maybe a half dozen solid state and 4 tubed preamplifier's since first buying a used Sumo Athena.
I always go back to it, like right now.
After enquiring about improving on it in passive mode, I generally hear from manufacturer's salespeople- oh of course! What are you using right now? When told, they have all said, well, that's a pretty good passive stepped attenuator. It's not likely you'd hear an improvement.
The only thing I'm missing is remote control with it, and only for movies or cable in my all in one 2.1 system, and for that I use a CS 3010 volume control I built for just over $75 Canadian.
It's not new, but has been fine for me over the last 25 years or so, so my original $300 buying second hand price isn't bad at all, and I recovered the cost of most of my "upgrade preamplifiers" it's bested.
Athena doesn't have "wow" frequency abberations to get attention. She might not be great at any one thing, but is pretty good at everything