CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION as an upgrade from my prior NORDOST FREYs.
I have the HARBETH 30.2 XD’s ….highly recommended with my HARBETHs
- when I completed a full loom move from NORDOST FREY to CARDAS with a full CARDAS CLEAR IC & digital cable / CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables/ and a CARDAS CLEAR / CLEAR REFLECTION mix of power cables, it took everything to the next level that was not subtle.
- FWIW, the speaker cables component was the last piece in the sequential upgrade plan over 15 months as budgets permitted. All the cables were purchased over time pre-owned with COA’s to fit into those pesky budgets.
Q Why Cardas Clear Reflection speaker cables and not the full Monty CARDAS CLEAR or CLEAR BEYOND?
A Let me explain.
CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION. (the improved successor to their prior GOLDEN REFERENCE model…)
I had an email conversation with Josh Meredith at CARDAS on this very issue. He referred me to his own experiences. His wife, Angela Cardas-Meredith,(… daughter of founder and Prez Emeritus George Cardas, and she is the current CEO at CARDAS …) and he personally stepped down at their home from their top CARDAS CLEAR / CLEAR BEYOND to the CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cable model. Its move was to successfully tame the excess brightness produced by audio system brightness and unwanted “glare” from reflections in a room with a lot of glass windows. Josh said it’s their recommended go-to model in like unwanted excess reflection “glare” or “brightness” situations.
I followed that key advice personally too in like manner, and I swapped out my prior NORDOST FREY (Ag coating on Cu) to the all-Cu patented Litz design CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables to tame my own unwanted brightness et al in a prominent glass windowed room.
= great Success - the unwanted brightness is gone, the ethereal digital “edge” is gone , the audio sonic signature presentation is a pleasant touch warmer, and all MUCH improved with no loss of details and great slam, presence and improved dynamics.