Upgrade to McIntosh

Hello everyone,

I am looking to upgrade my hi-fi sytem.I demod MC 275 recently and loved the tuby,warm house sound of Mcintosh.

I will be pairing them with Sonus Faber Olympica 1.

I am torn between MA352 integrated and MC275+C8 separates. The latter is obviously more costly but I am willing to go for it if there are advantages.

How would the sound differ? What would be the most notable distinction between the two system in your opinion?

Thanks in advance

I agree with separates.  Gives you wiggle room down the road. I currently have a MC2105 paired with an Odyssey Candela tube preamp, and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M's. Sounds really great. My room is 11x20 and the little 2105 rocks it. 

I think you’ll be very happy with your mc275. In my vintage system I have an mx110z with two mc30s driving Sonus Faber Venere S speakers and the sound is wonderful. My main is a c2300 with an mc500 driving Tannoy Churchill’s and I couldn’t be happier. Go with separates and you’ll have more flexibility in the future should you want to upgrade. 

You cannot go wrong with McIntosh separates. Ignore all the ridiculous naysayers on this site that claim otherwise or who make up rumors they cannot defend. I have a C2700 with the DA2 module feeding into two MC275s for my LaScala speakers. It sounds fantastic for everything I play on my system, and I play almost ever genre of music out there. The bass with the MC275s are great. You do not need a SS amp for good bass. However, if you really desire that deep heavy bass, get a subwoofer to supplement. 

Vintage is the way to go! Marantz tube gear is great! mc30 and mc225 are my favorite Mac amps. I’m tinkering with HK citation 1 and 2 sound really good too! 

@audioman58 I’m not surprised! I don’t like how McIntosh uses circuit boards in mc275. That type of money should be point to point. They must get parts from China because most manufactures do. Assembled in the us. 

glowing green leds under the tube are kinda silly. My wife didn’t like that at all. Happy wife happy life lol

overpriced, McIntosh vintage gear sounds good. Mx110, mc30 mc225 mc240. Not my favorite can’t beat it if you get a good price for it.  


I don't think any of the McIntosh amps preamps power conditioners receivers cd/sacd players are made in China. It is only their small powered speakers and some speciality items.