Are you getting the bass you deserve?

Do you feel that you are getting all the bass you deserve, or have been promised, or wanted or that you paid for? 


I finally got all the bass I got the bass I wanted  when I finally got the midrange I knew was possible. The right speakers and the right amplification and source. What made this possible was the excellent tube amp and pre. combined with a speaker that does not  ignore the value of music.  

I can't remember ever listening to live music and thinking to myself: The band should add more bass. Never happened. 

4x21-inch woofers in my office system. Giant 1000lb front bass horn in my main audio room. Im good.

["s_r_a    I finally got all the bass I got the bass I wanted  when I finally got the midrange I knew was possible. The right speakers and the right amplification and source. What made this possible was the excellent tube amp and pre. combined with a speaker that does not  ignore the value of music."]


