Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k

I’m looking for some advice on speaker cables.  I currently have Morrow SP7s and would like to upgrade while keeping under 2k for a 2.5m pair.  Below is a list of my equipment.  

Linn LP12 with circus upgrade and lingo power supply

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge

Herron VTPH-2a phono preamp

ARC LS25 MKII preamp

ARC VT200 power amp

Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary Speakers

Interconnects and phono cable are also Morrow 7 series

Thanks in advance for your insights.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbstakston


I agree with your "TAKE", though I never suggested that the OP shouldn’t consider all options, nor that thinner wires are intrinsically superior to those with higher metal content.

I was simply responding to Shaw’s unsupportable, sweeping claim that "thin and really thin cores should be avoided". So it was he who was speaking in absolutes, not I!


I've mentioned in some other posts I went from Cardas Clear to a relatively unknown cable from Poland, Audiomica Labs. Very nice improvement, more clarity but more importantly just a more natural sound. There are others in these forums that use them as well do a search. 


I can accept your criticism that his choice of verbiage of “should be avoided “can be improved with either:

” should be cautious” substituted or something similar, or

Included an express qualifier that adverse …or better still: “non-optimal” audio performance results MIGHT be invoked if ignored …. I.e. make it caution worthy rather than predictable) He arguably kinda did that in a wordy way already , but point taken !

to the op

you have several competing good options to consider and polar opposite arguments presented . The Royal “We” have collectively done our jobs .., hopefully you compare them in good form for YOUR system.


cables are system dependent. You don't mention what type of sound your prefer.  My customer has a pair of AQ Rocket 88 cables.  In our systems, they have very good clarity, details, separation of the mid-range and higher frequencies.  In our system we hard the same but the bass response was not as much pronounced.  He uses monitor speakers so they probably do not go down low enough to hear what we heard.  So you have to try cables to see what works and what you like in your system.


Happy Listening.