Educate me about DSD

So I don't know very much about DSD audio and files. I keep hearing it's good. I am a digital guy, streaming Tidal, Quobuz and still playing cds.

But I bought a streamer capable of DSD 512, therefore I want yo lean more. Can these files be streamed? Say on Tidal or another streaming service? Do I need to buy DSD discs? What does the audio qualities sound like? I assume much better than CD.

What can you tell me about DSD?

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Good read, thanks for the link. I wonder if HDTracks and Native DSD are the only bigger sites for streaming/download of these kinds of files in 2023?

You say you have a streamer capable of DSD but do you have a DAC capable of it? If so, what rate, i.e., 256, 512, 1024, etc.?

I am not aware of any cloud based streaming service that stream DSD resolution, atleast not yet. I suggest you download a $4.49 sampler in 256DSD from and decide if it makes sense for you to spend $$ on future DSD downloads.



Native DSD is a great place to start experiencing hi res digital, and as Lalit mentioned you can buy/download the starter pack if you’re not sure about purchasing titles immediately.

What devices are you currently using for playback? Do you plan to playback from a server or laptop? Which DAC are you using?