Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time

I seriously can’t think of anything worse. I grew up listening to country music in the late 80s and early 90s, and a lot of that was pretty bad. But this new stuff, yikes.

Who sees some pretty boy on a stage with a badly exaggerated generic southern accent and a 600 dollar denim jacket shoehorning the words “ice cold beer” into every third line of a song and says “Ooh I like this, this music is for me!”

I would literally rather listen to anything else.Seriously, there’s nothing I can think of, at least not in my lifetime or the hundred or so years of recorded music I own, that seems worse.



As I've stated before, my daily search for intelligent life often begins on this forum.

Thanks for not disappointing.

@skyscraper +1.

Rather disappointing display. It seems pretty clear that most are not even aware of what they are putting down.

@bdp24.....You hit the nail on the head !.....80's and 90's country and Bluegrass is good stuff. Todays over produced country and their 10 gallon hats is pure, unadultrated Crap.

Saw Jorma Kaukonen last night with Dave Bromberg.

Excellent "country blues" . Check out Jimmy Rodgers for understanding of true country. Merle Haggard did a tremendous album of his music btw. Bluegrass does not have drums. Alabama and Garrh Brooks started the demise though there has always been an element of saccharine in country and bluegrass not to mention the patriotic pap. Dylan ruined folk with amplification.  Ballad big hair bands ruined rock. That said car radio country is formulaic,  embarrasing, and monotonous.  At least rap tackles some difficult subjects though it is also predictable and musically challenged. 

Stream WNCW for relevant country. 

And sorry for the ramble, drank too much Green Man for the concert.


Y’all took the trolls bait. 

or we highjacked the thread and turned it into a lively convo