Nola Contender & Totem Forest comparison?

Wondering if anyone has had the chance to audition or otherwise compare these. Would be very interested in listening impressions. Please include associated gear that was used. Thanks.
The Mac gear driving the Nolas was SS (new integrated with DAC; the gear driving the Totem's was SS, other than the Jolida integrated). Interestingly, the Contenders were placed next to a pair of the new, Focal Aria 926 speakers (same Mac gear driving these). For the same price, I overwhelmingly preferred the Focals. I was listening to rock and electronica. The Focals had way more bass, imaged better, had that sparkly top end that I like (mind you, I didn't find these bright-and I have not really heard a bright speaker in a long time). Neither speaker was using "good" cable, it was by the foot Monster or something.

I found the Nolas to sound lifeless by comparison. I walked in prepared to buy the Contenders (based on all the pro reviews I read)...but found that they just were not incrementally better than my current setup. (certainly not for 3x the px).
I had the FORESTS (and ARROs simultaneously) in a prior system. They are fine kit, initially impressive, with a big "BUT" attached as follows:

(1) They are very "grunt" hungry to perform at their peak. "Grunt" is interpreted as high quality electronics (ergo $$ expensive) that produce both lots of high watts and very high current. I had to bi-amp them to maximize their performance possibilities. Frequently they are paired up with either PLINIUS, AYRE and SIMAUDIO (and other similar big) amps at the shows.

I would STRONGLY suggest that you scour the many posts on both A-GON and also on CanuckAudioMart ("CAM") about the Forests (and most Totems) being very power hungry beasts.

(2) They can sound lovely, but they have led many owners away to eventually selling them off because they can be very fatiguing.

They sound great at demonstration (higher) volumes; but even I traded them in to get something more "refined"(? ..the right words fail me) at lower listening levels; and especially with smoother music genres preferred (jazz, classical) as I age.

FORESTS frequently come up for sale on both AGON and especially on CAM. That is my take on why.

FWIW .....
Akg - Thanks for the comments. I currently own Forests. Have had them since 2007. Ran them with a JoLida 502B initially then eventually went to Cyber 800SE 78wpc mono blocks. More power/current definitely made a difference but 78 wpc is not crazy high. Listen in the upper 70s to mid 80s db-wise most of the time. Peaks into low 90 db (C weighted, Slow response on a RS spl meter). Also use a Hegel 200 wpc integrated from time to time. Both amp systems sound really good with the Forests. And while admitting to a little early infatuation with the Hegel, I've come back to the Cybers as my primary means of amplification. The Forests just sound very good with these tubes, even in loud complicated passages. Personally, I think talk of the Forests being power hungry (I've read a number of posts here on A'gon claiming this) is a little over done. But that's not to say they wouldn't sound even better with some uber amplification that I don't have. My interest in the Nolas is whether they might represent a "step up". [Window shopping, really. Can't audition where I am located so interested in others' experiences.] Mjmch's experience might indicate otherwise.

when I went to go see the Nola's, I told the sales guy my
budget...he said "I have just the speaker for
you," and then showed me the (less expensive) Focals. I
said, "what are those Nola speakers?" thinking
maybe his payout was better on the Focals...he said
something like, "oh those are Nolas, you want to hear
them?" So, he swapped inputs...I put my tunes on, and
in 5 seconds I was just shocked. I said, "wow, kinda
dull." And he said something like, "yep, not as
good. That's why I didn't bother to show you to begin

This is EXACTLY the type of sales guy I want to do business
with..!! (he had all that reviewer hype that he could have
leveraged, too.)
Mj - hope my closing line was clear. I meant that your experience with the Nolas might mean they wouldn't be a step up from the Forests. Now you have me curious about the Focals. Appreciate your additional comments about that audition.