Interesting you ask. I went down a whole rabbit hole trying to go with bookshelves on speaker stands, + a wireless sub, due to my room limitations. and I was very disappointed by the sound - it was very “small and narrow”. My room is about 20x18. I found the spendor A4s and went with those (the footprint of the A4 is **SMALLER** than that of any speaker stand base). I personally am deeply satisfied with the A4 (could have gone A2 but I got a deal) + subwoofer combo. Depending on what I am listening to, I will or won’t use the sub. The splendors powered by the M352 provide a wonderful, lovely, crisp sound. For “critical listening” I use the built-in headphone functionality with my focal MGs.
how big is your room?
it goes without saying, part of the appeal of the 352 is the simplicity, and the look, which in my case this is my living room, I don’t have room for 2-3 components and it’s wife-approved, were also key. But IMO, the 352 provides specTacular sound in addition to the aesthetic.