Does your IFi Zen Steam have Low Gain?

Any IFI Zen Stream owners notice a very low gain on this streamer? Mine has approximately 30db+ lower gain than other input devices. Not sure if mine has an issue or this is its normal performance. I tried reaching out to iFi on line support and their response was “thank you for notifying us we will pass it on to our development team for future enhancement consideration”.


It's the glitchy software. I had that issue with USB digital out with non-iFi DACs. I had to go into the setting and manually adjust the output to !00% but it would often change next time around.

It seemed to work fine with the matching iFi DAC.

I ended up returning it.

I do not have access to individual product reviews or user experiences. However, I can provide some general information that may be helpful.

Firstly, the IFI Zen Stream is designed as a digital audio transport, which means that it is not intended to have an analog input or gain control. Instead, it relies on the output level of the connected source device, such as a computer or smartphone, to provide the signal level to the downstream audio system. Therefore, it is possible that the lower gain you are experiencing may be due to the output level of your source device rather than an issue with the IFI Zen Stream itself.

If you have tested the IFI Zen Stream with multiple source devices and still notice a significantly lower gain compared to other input devices, it is possible that there may be an issue with your unit. In this case, you may want to contact IFI customer support again to request a warranty repair or replacement. MyAARPMedicare

It is also worth noting that different audio systems and devices may have different gain levels and output impedances, which can affect the overall volume and sound quality. It may be helpful to consult with an audio expert or technician to optimize your system for the best possible performance.

@jamesgoff Thanks for your input…I was able to identify the problem and it was related to the iFi app.  The app is where you have to set your device settings each time you use the device.  I have to go into the app settings and select my audio output device which I choose my dac.  Then I have to select my Audio Volume Output which I select “hardware” then I can ensure or set my volume to 100. The iFi stream does allow for volume control which is good but I wish it would save settings last used. Kind of annoying to set them each time it’s used.

Once you set the output volume in the iFi app and save it you don’t have to set it again. Mine has not moved in almost nine months. If your volume issue is when using a streaming source you might want to check for a volume setting in it. With the iFi app you have to hit the save button for each separate category you make a change in not just for the overall app. That should stay unless you change it.

@jackd thanks for the interesting input.  When I turn my Stream off it reverts back to the output  volume setting of “none” which lowers the fixed volume by about 50%.  It also reverts the output device to spdif which I don’t use, I use USB with my Dac.  So each time I use the stream I have to go in and change those two settings to my Dac and the volume to hardware so I can set volume to 100.  I do save each one after setting them. The only other volume control is my Integrated Amp. I use a sonic transporter as my roon core network player.