@fredrik222 , I think the logic of your argument is absolutely sound. Where I totally lose you, completely, is the notion that everything about commercial audio gear is 100% understood and therefore science can explain everything. Believing that we know everything about a topic like audio gear, in scientific and measurable terms, is what I can’t get behind. I get that you feel that this position is closed-minded, but it is thoroughly debatable as to who is closed minded in this scenario :).
There was a time when one popular theory was that human ears were not good enough to perceive the levels of jitter that exist in audio gear. I don’t even think ASR would support that belief at this point, and I think we are past that. As you stated, things evolve and so does our knowledge.
Evan @noske was taking the position that no scientist should ever take the position of believing they know everything to the extent that in their minds, it is “case closed”. Which is what your argument seems to imply - we know everything about commercial electronics so there is no need to believe we hear something that cannot be explained. Who is closed minded?
Would love for Amir to join in but totally understand and respect why he wouldn’t, considering the unnecessary nastiness going around!
We should strive to keep the discussion and debate positive and constructive. We are discussing a subject we all care about whatever side of the fence we are on.