Never heard an amp do this before, ideas?

I have a primaluna 100 unplugged from any inputs. It has this awful high pitched sound coming from the speakers when it's turned on. It happens on both channels, and through headphones.

I have turned off all electricity in the apartment, turned all breakers off except the one it's on, moved the amp around the apartment, tried a humx, and different power cables. I even replaced the unit with another primaluna and they both do it.

I'm running out of ideas, anyone ever seen this before?



Update: wrapping a faraday blanket over the unit dampens the sound. But the source of the RFI is not from my apartment, because it happens with everything in the apartment unplugged and off.

Does this mean all tube amps will do this and I'll have to go SS? 



This is not a “tube” problem. Not sure what it is… but this is never problem with high end audio equipment. So, either it is a PrimaLuna problem or a location problem. I would not abstract this to tubes or good quality components.

When you say "apartment", it makes me think of multiple households and things that are beyond your control in those dwellings. Though you probably have separate meters, some god-awful faulty appliance or wiring flaw could be generating interference. 

Can you take it to a friend's home, Along with a pair of headphones and see if the problem exists away from your environment?

"I tested two primaluna amplifiers, both did it. I also tried a cheater plug."

This tells me not to waste time on the tubes or components in your amp, unless it does the same thing in a totally different environment. Heck, take it to work and try it there.

What's a cheater plug?