I never said that! The OP did!
Full range speakers, 40"-44" max height
I do not like tall speakers, especially when the tweeters sit high.
My height requirement fulfill speakers like Wilson Sophia, WP even Sasha or Meridian 7000 (but this is digital only).
Any other comparable ones in quality with the above?
And I need to stay under 10k used market.
Oooops, thanks yogi and sorry. @piramis , my post above was intended for you! |
Listen to the Vivid Giya G3 (45.7”H) or Kaya 90s (47”H) a little over your H-requirement. I currently use the G3. It’s a 4 driver 5 way system. Lower mid, mid, and HF drivers are grouped close like in a monitor. Drivers are time/phase aligned. I compared them to both Wilson models (Sasha and Sophia) but not the Meridian 7000. I heard differences with the drivers in the Wilson’s and while Wilson lovers will disagree, I thought dynamics exaggerated to the ffff range while the Vivid’s more integrated with the ability to resolve dynamics from the p’s to f’s better. Both have open, resolved, articulate, and clear sound with precise three dimensional images and excellent timbre. Both have excellent bass. I thought both articulation and image density a smidgen better with the Vivid’s. The G3 is known to be as insensitive to room placement as a speaker can be. I am not saying placement is not important but rather comparing them to other designs. The Vivid’s design is eclectic and aesthetics not mainstream. I think the design and sound state of the art and aesthetics beautifulI. To each our own ears and eyes. I have not directly compared the G3 to the Vandersteen Sevens but I have read they are more similar than different. The 7s may be another choice at 45.5” with base. Trust your ears. Give the Vivid’s and Vandersteen 7’s a listen. |