What's the best EL84 amp?

My speakers have loved the two I’ve tried, both vintage. I would love to spend some money and get a great EL84 amp. Any suggestions? Not interested in an integrated. 


Not any longer. I lived in SoCal (Glendale, Sherman Oaks, Burbank, Tujunga, and finally Palm Desert) from 1979 until February of 2016, when I moved up here to Vancouver Washington, just across the state line (the Columbia River) from Portland Oregon.

Ya know, the 868 is available both as just a line stage (868L), and as a full function (line and phono stages) pre-amp. I too would love an EAR 912 (Art Dudley said it was the only pre-amp he had heard which competed with his Shindo), but unless someone dies and leaves my some dough that ain't gonna happen! 

David Weinhart, (The AV Experts) an EAR retailer and friend of the distributor, Dan Meinwald, uses the SR purple fuse in his 912 which he has owned for over a decade. I recommend after using the blue in my 864 and purple in my 890, that you should try a purple fuse in your 868L and be surprised at the very significant improvement, especially in opening up the inner soundstage of instruments and voices (separating them) with more body, tighter bass and smoother highs. After just one hour, it was very good and only gets better (I’m not at 200-300 hours as recommended for full benefit, just 45 hours now).  Probably obtain an amperage rating twice as high as a glass fuse.  Dan Meinwald makes maximum recommendations.

Moderator-I am not associated with either the retailer or the distributor, although a customer of both.

The Fisher Chassis SA-16, such a surprising little amp from Fisher originally used in a console way back in the 60's.  

So the best that I've heard so far is the Scott 222C. Wow. Sounds like my SET but with more power. It's an integrated with Amperex EL84s, a Mullard 5AR4 and Tele 12AX7s, but it sounds great even bypassing my Lamm preamp. A tiny bit rough around the edges so I'll send it out to be restored but super fun amp.

Others listened to: Manley Mahi, Music Reference RM-10 Mk1, Heathkit UA2, an Eico, a Leben (EL34), Scott 208 (5791s).


I like your description of a good EL84 amp--the sound is lively and "fun" and they can be a bit "rough around the edges."  Have you heard a good 6L6 or KT66 amp?  These tube types have a slightly richer sound and are often a bit less rough sounding than the EL84 tube.