One of the great things about Vinyl

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.


That used to be true with me for many years, until I finally was able to raise the quality of sound in my digital end to that of my vinyl. Now both are completely engaging and I get wrapped up in the music on a CD or streaming.


At least for me, it was my subconscious not being moved by the digital music… it would get bored. The rhythm and pace was not good as well as the midrange bloom. As soon as those were improved, I no longer had any desire to change what I was listening to.

Good post ghd!

Technically, this is only for serious listening. When relatives come in for 
Christmas We'll play lots of CDs Vince Guaraldi Christmas for example.. lot's of jazz and classical as well.




One of the reasons you wanna listen to an entire side of an LP is that it just takes more coordination and physical effort to get the thing to stop or pause, not to mention getting sound out of it in the first place.

You gotta stumble over to the turntable. Lift the often balky turntable cover, making sure that it doesn't go crashing down if you don't do it right.

You gotta lift the arm and move it back to its rest.

You gotta turn the record player off.

You gotta unscrew the record clamp and safely stow it away.

You must lift the vinyl off of the platter, taking into account the sometimes goodly amount of static electricity that has built up between the vinyl and the platter in the meantime.

I'd go on, but my fingers are getting tired.