and many manufacturers are not honest about them.
Which ones, specifically?
There is no standard for this, and power ratings are all over the place.
It is actually much worse, power grids are all over the place. NYC is different than the Catskills power grid, go figure.
Also, speaker sensitivity ratings don’t seem to mean much anymore.
Which speakers and what customer? Are you saying specs, as a general rule, are fake?
I’ve seen claimed ratings by the manufacturer being 8 dB lower when actually measured.
Again its actually much worse, parts are allowed to be with x% of tolerances. If you buy a speaker and 3 parts are "within tolerance" but not the same you have no way of knowing what you got, no matter how the sample measured. Which goes back to auditioning.
Dr David Rich:
Passive components have tolerances. Capacitors and inductors are within 5% or even 10% of the specified value. The speaker’s impedance also varies from sample to sample. Combine all the tolerance changes of each component and the desired frequency response of the speaker has changed by a significant amount. This results in pair matching errors that effect stereo imaging.