Look at all the dacs this guy bought and then sold and he explains at the end of the day why he feels the measurements weren’t the whole story:
I Am Tired of Bogus Measurements
My expensive shoes have measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will they fit. My expensive new suit has measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will my expensive new shoes match.
The people being misled by measruements aren’t being led my manufacturers, they are being misled by reviewers. Idiotic rankings of digital gear based on measurements outside the range of human hearing. Cancelling entire brands who put out features customers actually want as they sell to humans, not bats. The worst of these websites will rant about their own superior $$$ equipment but mot even one person will ever use speakers in a klippel matchine, they actually put them in a room! The horror. The cancelling of brands, the talking down to the customers, is bogus.
You need to measure what matters! Are the customers actually happy? Is the warranty honored? Most importantly is their an in home audition period?
I don’t need someone to tell me if I could or should like a product. My room is not a test bench, or a klippel machine. Who cares what the component measures by itself because unless its a clock radio I’ll never use it by itself, I have to interconnect it in a "system" with "high quality" cables, (as in all cables are not the same).
If you want to measure something measure how your personal system of curated components interact with your room. That’s it. The rest of the stuff you could forget because these days if a brand overpromises and under delivers they will be following a formula for losing money, an no company likes that.
@kota1 +1 on "Bogus is when someone claims the sound quality of an audio device can be reliably predicted by measurements”. measurements are focused on single device compliance and performance, not complete sound system + room integrity. |
measurements are focused on single device compliance and performance, not complete sound system + room integrity. I find that when my room integrity measures well the sound system is subjectively better to my ears. The thing is you can’t predict this based on how a speaker was measured or an amp was measured. That's why I find people promoting measurements as an avenue to SQ as bogus. I find it has to be curated for each room relying on acoustics, not an anechoic chamber. Even BEFORE EQ my room integrity is pretty good:
@kota1 , if you want to be appear credible stop posting links to reports / white papers / etc. that have either been ripped apart, or very questionable in content. I would also not posts a corrected room response and indicate it is the real corrected room response when it is a calculated room response. I would also suggest not deflecting and answering the questions posed, not the obvious deflection that has nothing to do with the content. Your repeated bating that has nothing to do with the topic also lacks maturity, but I am sure you know that. |