Why HiFi Gear Measurements Are Misleading (yes ASR talking to you…)

About 25 years ago I was inside a large room with an A-frame ceiling and large skylights, during the Perseid Meteor Shower that happens every August. This one time was like no other, for two reasons: 1) There were large, red, fragmenting streaks multiple times a minute with illuminated smoke trails, and 2) I could hear them.

Yes, each meteor produced a sizzling sound, like the sound of a frying pan.

Amazed, I Googled this phenomena and found that many people reported hearing this same sizzling sound associated with meteors streaking across the sky. In response, scientists and astrophysicists said it was all in our heads. That, it was totally impossible. Why? Because of the distance between the meteor and the observer. Physics does not allow sound to travel fast enough to hear the sound at the same time that the meteor streaks across the sky. Case closed.

ASR would have agreed with this sound reasoning based in elementary science.

Fast forward a few decades. The scientists were wrong. Turns out, the sound was caused by radiation emitted by the meteors, traveling at the speed of light, and interacting with metallic objects near the observer, even if the observer is indoors. Producing a sizzling sound. This was actually recorded audibly by researchers along with the recording of the radiation. You can look this up easily and listen to the recordings.

Takeaway - trust your senses! Science doesn’t always measure the right things, in the right ways, to fully explain what we are sensing. Therefore your sensory input comes first. You can try to figure out the science later.

I’m not trying to start an argument or make people upset. Just sharing an experience that reinforces my personal way of thinking. Others of course are free to trust the science over their senses. I know this bothers some but I really couldn’t be bothered by that. The folks at ASR are smart people too.




I’m not sure if you meant it this way, but your post could imply that a "skeptic" or "objectivist" is the one not having an open mind.

To be clear, that is far from the case. Whether it’s Amir or me or some other like-minded folk, we are open to ANYTHING that is true! That is the whole point of doing rigorous inquiry. We simply ask for good evidence for a claim, especially if it’s an extraordinary claim relative to current generally accepted theory or practice.

Given that countless wild claims are made every day, what other approach could be more reasonable? One should always be "open minded" in the sense of being open to any evidence for some new thing, and ready to overturn any current beliefe we have based on good evidence. But that should always be in the context of how plausible a claim is, and what type of evidence has been provided. We have built bodies of hard-won...and PREDICTIVE knowledge....by being very, very careful this way. If "open mindedness" is not tempered by critical thinking this way, then being "open-minded "may as well be a synonym for a lack of critical thinking about claims - to be vulnerable or gullible.

For instance, if I claim I could sell you a perpetual motion machine, which would solve your energy bill permanently, how "open minded" do you think you should be to the truth of my claim? Wouldn’t your skepticism...and a high demand for evidence, be quite warranted?

It is a mistake to presume skepticism or demands for good evidence equates to close-mindedness.





(This link comes from a discussion here at Audiogon).

I think Amir can learn a thing or two from the link above. It actually measures transient affect of power cable. I think Amir mostly measure frequency response which is steady state. A lot of thing happens in transient.


In the same time and please dont take this personally, I am surprised that there are people pretentious enough, who are trying to convince others that their choices are the ’right ones’. But, than, why stop only on hi fi? I am sure that there are more interesting challanges, or more noble ones?

Your surprise should be directed at whoever created this thread, directly challenging what we do at ASR, and manufacturing comments about me and what we do to boot.  And those of you flagging me personally, causing the form software to send me a notification.  I should ignore it but then folks go on and on here, piling on falsehood on top of falsehood.  A fellow here even went after my personal career!

As to your car example, no, it doesn't apply.  There is a ton of scrutiny of car performance through measurements such as 0 to 60, breaking, cornering, etc. from press and online reviewers.  As such, a car company can't claim that it has built the fastest car in the world where in reality, it is slower than a Honda Accord.  Yet, that is what happens in audio.  Until we came about, objective evaluation of audio was delegated to an appendix at the end of a few reviewers and that was it.  Yet, every audio company claimed to recreate reality of live music, etc.

We get started and shine a light on equipment performance and folks are up in arm.  How dare you do this and give audiophiles more information?  As you say, demand is made to "leave them alone!'  Personally, I do leave them alone.  We have a great audiophile society locally and you don't see me going there trying to change the opinion of many subjectivists there.  Thankfully many come to me at meetings and ask me questions.

So please don't pull that stunt and debating tactic at me.  The reality is that you are bothered by what we do so you want it stopped.  Well, it can't be stopped.  People are seeing the value of reliable information about audio and are abandoning what some of you have taught them.  Not everyone of course.  But we are not running a sprint but a marathon.  And not trying to boil the ocean....

Whether it’s Amir or me or some other like-minded folk, we are open to ANYTHING

If that were true, Amir would be sure to listen to every component that he "tests." That he sometimes manages to avoid listening - and has a whole bunch of wordy rationalizations to justify that - undermines whatever science he’s trying to pursue.

It is a mistake to presume skepticism or demands for good evidence equates to close-mindedness.

This is a hobbyist’s group, not a scientific forum, so your "demands for good evidence" really don’t belong here. If you don't like the evidence presented, it's really your problem. No one here owes you anything.

@thespeakerdude , the cable changed not me. How do I know? Because I had a control (the original cable).

Did you know which cable was in the system, or did you have someone switch it such that you did not know?


And actually the >1.5m is the guidance for USB according to some - pretty easy to google. Even Mark Coles of Sablon confirmed to me that he’s heard that as well (he said he hadn’t heard that for AES/ SPDIF). But as I mentioned I don’t believe this is “scientifically proven” anywhere. As a side note I repeated this finding with a .7m Audioquest Diamond USB cable that sounded very compressed and closed in compared to the equivalent 1.5m Diamond. I even preferred a generic USB cable to the .7m version of the Diamond.

The 1.5 meter is definitely for SPDIF and there is a good explanation for it. I have a formula written down.  (Rise time)/(1.5 * 3) in feet.  SPDIF rise time first google hit = 25nsec. Cable = (25/4.5) = 5.5 feet = 1.7 meters. USB rise time 0.3nsec first google for 2.0. That is 0.3/(1.5*3) = 0.07 feet.  I think if a cable supplier has not heard of the 1.5 meter thing with SPDIF, you need a new cable supplier. Maybe you were having some noise issues?