AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........

i found this website....

looks like the guy who does the reviews plays with a pink panther figurine all the time... its a okay movie...but i dont like it too much. the reviews are so hard to figure out. i am lost for words and not totally understanding what i am reading. basically it seems like he does not like most of the audio products.

can i get AMAZING sound quality for only $50 ? my bank told me i cant make any wife took control. now she is not talking to me. and she locked my bedroom drawer with a little more cash. but i have $50 so i can buy something online for my JVC earbuds...i have the JVC Gumy PLUS. the sound quality is premium but i want more. i am thinking of a DIVORCE. if my wife is not going to CHANGE!!

can someone help me find a good value audio product. i need some help. also the audio store told me "do not return" i dont know what is wrong with them. i said they were not very helpful. then the MANAGER said how can I HELP YOU?? i said...i have a team of audiophiles already helping guys...

please help. thank you.i am so greatful.



... There are good reasons to be skeptical of their claims, and...for some of the reasons I’ve given...want stronger evidence than the usual "I heard it!" anecdotes ...

That’s fine that you have a desire for such evidence. Perhaps you should seek it from a scientific forum or, perhaps, at least one that claims to be "scientific." You don’t seem to be happy with what you're getting here, which is a hobbyist’s group.


I can understand why someone might think that from what I just wrote.  But if someone were familiar with lots of my stuff on audiogon as well as on ASR, they would understand why I'm here.

I really enjoy discussing the subjective nature of the hobby.  The end result of all of this is "How Does It Sound?"  I have found many subjective reviews and reports by audiophiles on gear both entertaining and useful, and I try to be useful to some degree for others when I've heard gear they may be interested in.

While I appreciate the approach over on ASR quite a lot, I also can find it gets a bit dry.  It's not that ASR members don't love music as much as anyone here, or don't care about listening or the subjective aspect.  But they tend to be wary of putting sound in to language - which goes along with their suspicion of subjective reviewing being little more than unreliable, fanciful poetry.  I disagree heavily with them on that. 

Here, people appreciate sharing subjective experience with equipment, so I get that aspect satisfied here.  When I want a more rigorous look in to audio claims, I"ll tend to go to ASR for that.

This is why I'm always saying I don't want to tell any audiophile how he/she should approach the hobby.   Some are far in to the "listening/subjectivity only" camp, some far in to the "measurements or it didn't happen" camp, and many of us span the gamut in between.


... if someone were familiar with lots of my stuff on audiogon as well as on ASR, they would understand why I’m here ..

I’ll take you at your word because I don’t read ASR for the reasons I’ve explained. And of course you’re as welcome as anyone to participate here. You’re smart enough to know that this isn’t the place to demand "proof" from others, so why not just accept that?

"Their videos are more informative than just about anything you'd find here (and I like this place).   ASR videos have educated many people and have doubtless saved plenty of audiophiles wasting money on items that make little to no sonic differences."
I could not agree any less with this statement. The site consists of jokers who actually know very little and misuse measurements. It is a complete waste of time.













Their videos are more informative than just about anything you'd find here (and I like this place)

A lot of mental confetti being tossed around here.

Valentines Day.  Zip ties.

Nah, not going to go there.