Optical USB drive for ripping

I want to rip cd’s to a Melco server.  See quite  a few under the 125.00 range. Any favorites?

I know I can rip these over my network. Bits are bits yada,yada but somehow things that should sound the same never do. Just want to try this .

Also will these drives read the cd layer from a Hybrid SACD?



I do not know which drives you’re referring to but my Aurender ACS100 rips cd layer of my SACD’s without any issues. If you’re concerned about ‘quality of rips’ then why not use Melco D100. For absolute zero compression, I recommend .wav format for your rips -)

bits are bits use the cheapest damn drive you can find. These cheap cd drives are used by businesse and homes to transfer data remember. They have to work perfectly or they would be useless. The master has spoken.

If you’re concerned about ‘quality of rips’ then why not use Melco D100. For absolute zero compression, I recommend .wav format for your rips -)

WRONG again. FLAC is just as good and takes up less space. And the melco d100 doesnt do anything more than a cheap $20 drive would. Prove me wrong