As I explained above, I had the same experience with a lower-powered and higher-powered Rowland amp. I generally tend to like the sound of lower-powered amps. I tend to like tube amps that run the likes of 6L6 or KT66 more than I do amps running KT88 or KT150, for example, and when speakers are sufficiently efficient, I like single ended 45 and 2a3 amps. Even in the solid sate realm, some of the lower-powered First Watt amps are among the best sounding solid state amps. I heard one of their SIT amps and I borrowed a J2 amp from a friend for a couple of weeks.
I run something pretty exotic in my pushpull amps-Western Electric 349 output tubes. A quad of these cost a fortune, but they last a long time, when run gently (my amp puts out something like 5.5 wpc). My amp is essentially a rebuilt Western Electric 133 amp (input/driver tubes are 348, I use the correct input and output transformers, the power transformer and choke are modern).
I am not quite as extreme as you are, given that my speakers are 99 db/w efficient, but this is still quite below the power a lot of people seem to think they need.