Two things that strike me about this thread. One, Legacy speakers are never light on bass. Two, they also never sound bright (with ample electronics as you seem to have). I have owned Legacy speakers for 25 years - exclusively. I've had OG Classics, OG Focus, Silverscreen II, Silverscreen HD (currently own) and Focus SEs (currently own). When I had crappy electronics back in the late 90s, the Classics could definitely sound a bit harsh. But they produced very solid bass even with said crappy gear. I think my amp back then was an Acurus A125X5. It was cheap but still allowed the Classics to thump pretty hard. My room was not as big as yours since I rented back then. But it was open into the dining room and kitchen, so it wasn't too far off. There was also a slider off to the right going out to a balcony. And it's coverings were not sound absorbing. The ceilings were also only 8'. These probably explain most of that harshness. How is the room if you walk around and clap? (I recommend doing this when your wife is running an errand :D). I'm guessing it will echo like crazy...
Room layout and speaker positioning is key and I see that several have mentioned that. You don't even have to go wild with placement - since I know you are not able to. A few inches could make a drastic difference. And don't over-do toe-in. That is a common mistake. Mine fire nearly straight out into my room. Maybe 2 to 4 degrees at the listening position which is 9' away.
Since sound panels or diffusers aren't an option for you, there may be little you can do to tame the room's harshness. But again, speaker positioning can help to a degree.