Why HiFi Gear Measurements Are Misleading (yes ASR talking to you…)

About 25 years ago I was inside a large room with an A-frame ceiling and large skylights, during the Perseid Meteor Shower that happens every August. This one time was like no other, for two reasons: 1) There were large, red, fragmenting streaks multiple times a minute with illuminated smoke trails, and 2) I could hear them.

Yes, each meteor produced a sizzling sound, like the sound of a frying pan.

Amazed, I Googled this phenomena and found that many people reported hearing this same sizzling sound associated with meteors streaking across the sky. In response, scientists and astrophysicists said it was all in our heads. That, it was totally impossible. Why? Because of the distance between the meteor and the observer. Physics does not allow sound to travel fast enough to hear the sound at the same time that the meteor streaks across the sky. Case closed.

ASR would have agreed with this sound reasoning based in elementary science.

Fast forward a few decades. The scientists were wrong. Turns out, the sound was caused by radiation emitted by the meteors, traveling at the speed of light, and interacting with metallic objects near the observer, even if the observer is indoors. Producing a sizzling sound. This was actually recorded audibly by researchers along with the recording of the radiation. You can look this up easily and listen to the recordings.

Takeaway - trust your senses! Science doesn’t always measure the right things, in the right ways, to fully explain what we are sensing. Therefore your sensory input comes first. You can try to figure out the science later.

I’m not trying to start an argument or make people upset. Just sharing an experience that reinforces my personal way of thinking. Others of course are free to trust the science over their senses. I know this bothers some but I really couldn’t be bothered by that. The folks at ASR are smart people too.


"Your posts indicate you really don’t know what you are talking about. At all."

Of course when you reject, dismiss, and deny not only a concept, idea, or proposal but an entire person, his thoughts, his ideas, his experiences, his contributions to this site, and attempt to reduce it to the trivial. the insigniificant, the unworthy, you reveal your argument, intent, and purpose to be false.

Some of the contributers here seem to tremble, quiver, or falter in the presence of facts and it is a sad sight to behold.

I think the OP is gaslighting. He starts with a long description about a meteor event 25 years ago showing science can be wrong. So? Have doctors been wrong in the past too?  Does that mean never to trust science or doctors again?

Then the OP states that Amir would have been wrong about that too. That’s a foul call.

“I’m not trying to start an argument” is patently dishonest. Just look at the fallout that followed. There are many knowledgeable and helpful people here. I choose to respect their input over those who are only looking to sow discord and confusion.


Besides, even if he is gone, it’s OK. Cin Dyment (aka The Speaker Dude nowadays) can handle the entire forum single handedly

No system, no speakers, no credibility, that guy just argues.

Post removed 

One more time:


Someone's high end acquisitions don't give any more credibility in terms of making technical claims about audio. Someone could own Magico M9 speakers and still be clueless about how audio works.  Also, there is no high end brand of gear that protects someone against the same bias effects that would occur for any other audio gear.

For instance, if you understood how the Klippel Analyzer System that Amir uses worked, you wouldn’t be raising the red herring of measuring the room. The whole point of that analyzer is to REMOVE the influences of the room to gain an accurate measurement of the on and off axis behaviour of the speakers! It's why it's a revolution - you don't need an anechoic chamber to get these measurements!  And from that, those measurements help predict how a speaker might perform in various rooms e.g. if a speaker sends a lot of ragged sound off-axis and you put it in a smaller room especially you are likely to get that mixed in the sound with reflections and it will sound poorer than one with even off axis behaviour...etc. Some speakers will be more finicky than others, and will also be less amenable to EQ or room correction fixes than others. ASR is literally following the best science we have on this!