Ready to replace my stock power cables with a limited budget...Ideas, opinions, favorites please...




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@testpilot what do you do with the extra?  coil it up?  that makes a noise generator.  I like cables to be just the right length.  

I do think some salespeople like to sell longer cables but don't think they have any good technical reason.


@musiclover1 and  ​​​​@mbolek 


Yes. Viborg 1501 (I am partial to the 1501 terminated in the top of line Viborg male

and IEC copper plugs-VM/VF 502 or 512's and have those in use in my system) with the top of line Viborg connectors is a seriously good power cord. 

It falls slightly outside the discussion in this case because it is just slightly north of $100 but it is an outstanding cable and gets better when cryoed. I use them in my system on an Aqvox Phono 2CI preamp, a Unison Research Triode 25 integrated and an Audio Sensibility power distributor. 

I also use the Viborg 1606  that I have DIY'ed with the Viborg connectors in a secondary system on a Shengya A-216 and another Audio Sensibility power distributor so have a bit of experience with both Viborg cables. 

The 1501 with quality terminations is going to be competitive with a lot of European and North American commercial offerings in the $750-$1500 range particularly if you can have it cryoed. 

Possibly well beyond that. I auditioned a bunch of power cords about a year ago with a friend who had them on loan from a local dealer over the Christmas holidays that included Cardas Clear, some higher range Audioquest (which I thought were the best of the bunch) and Nordost Tyr, which I wouldn't trade even for any of my Viborg cords for what it's worth. The Tyr was an absolutely hideous cord in the system that I heard it in, which was quite good. 

Which may not be an absolute indication of quality as opposed to the idea that system synergy may in fact play a very big part in all of this.