Vandersteen 5A- Power Cords

Any Vandersteen 5A owners using audiophile power cords for the subwoofer amps? I know Richard recommends the stock cords.

I was considering the Audioquest NRG-10 cords which I believe will fit in between the heat sinks on the amplifiers.

Any input would be appreciated!


Stock cords .... Listen to what Richard says and do not second guess him. He knows his speakers better than you do.
The OP, of course. 5A Carbons, and a question about the power cords to the subs? Why?
I have 5A's and experimented with power cords for them.....I really couldn't hear the difference....I have a pair of extra audiophile power cords and so I use them.
Thanks for your question
Could you share with us if there is any specific area/goals you would like to touch on?
If so is this on any specific source or overall?
Best JohnnyR
Vandersteen dealer
Why? Because power cords make a huge difference! "Seriously!" - Rpeluso. People that have not experienced what a well-made power cord can do just have not spent enough time listening to PC's or have been listening to the wrong cords or do not have a system that they are able to discern the differences in power cords. I was one of those guys (a power cord doubter) for many years until I had my audio world turned upside down with a Stage 3 Kraken power cord and HB Designs Power Strip. Power and power cords are a very big deal. The bottom line is that they make your system quieter and that makes information that has always been there come to the fore front. It’s crazy what “good power” can do for the sound of your system!

Ok, back to the original question - Tnewell1. I find this question particularly interesting because I have Vandertsteen 5A speakers and I am currently auditioning power cords to the sub amps. Ever since I had my mind and ears opened up to what a good power cord can do - I have been on a mission with power cords thru out my system and specifically to my sub amps. I actually modified the heat sink fins to accommodate the bigger style connectors one finds on the more advanced power cords. Stay tuned Tnewll1. I've been doing a bunch of fiddling with my system lately but power cords to the sub amp are the next big focus. I think that it is going to be a big deal when I get a good PC on those sub amps! I will try and remember to touch base with you once I have tried some power cords on the subs. Take care and - good question!