Streamers made in America?

I’m having a hard time finding streamers that are made in America. I prefer audio equipment made in the USA. Lumin and AURALiC are Chinese. Aurender is Korean. Hifi Rose is Korean. PS Audio is really stalling on their streamer. Are there any options?





12 posts


Just an idea for flexibility and sound quality, I bought this unit for CD and video as well. Panasonic DP-UB9000P1K. Audio section gets great reviews. Balanced output for 2-channel.

A Japanese company, manufactured in the Czech Republic. No issues from me other than it might be inconsistent with your above post. McIntosh still makes disc spinners.


What was wrong with what I stated? I NEVER stated that I only bought things made in USA, just stated that I made the effort. I thought about adding statements of disclaimer and details, but did not think it was needed as I never stated that I buy 100% Made in USA. I thought the message was clear, but I was wrong. I own plenty of gear not Made in USA, but my main components happen to be McIntosh, and my main speaker systems also Made in USA. I made the decision to buy the Panasonic because frankly there was no obvious USA choice for me, and the unit itself got great reviews. I reached out to my McIntosh dealer and they stated that the MVP901 was not available. I also searched for something Made in USA of other brands and finally gave up in frustration and bought the best reviewed unit I had found to fill the space. Good enough? 

+1 for Bricasti - Wonderful company to work with, offers great build quality, upgrade path and very competitive sound quality (at least to me).  I currently own a M1 S2 with network card (renderer & DAC) and consider it an "end game product", at least until Bricasti offers an upgrade.

After working through a number of streamer and streamer DAC combo I found the most reliable solution come from professional recording studio equipment companies, hence Bricasti.  Just one persons experience.

Also take a serious look at your music server.  If not using a dedicate music server I'd seriously consider doing so.  Again my limited experience.  

Sure, I’d love to have everything made in the US, just as the guy in England hopes to buy everything made in England, but with electronics,  it isn’t always possible anymore.  I have equipment from the US, England, China, Norway, Japan and Israel. I researched each product as best as I could and purchased what I thought was best for me.

I don’t know why people fail to understand that any and every technology product is itself the product of a global supply chain.

Exactly. Just a general remark, not really directed at the OP:

Anyone who has ethical qualms should pay attention to politics and voice their opinions in various ways, donate money, call or write representatives, contribute to organizations for justice, and boycott where appropriate. Those hung up on tiny gestures should recognize that the best thing to do is the most effective thing, not tiny virtue signals via audio purchases.