Streamers made in America?

I’m having a hard time finding streamers that are made in America. I prefer audio equipment made in the USA. Lumin and AURALiC are Chinese. Aurender is Korean. Hifi Rose is Korean. PS Audio is really stalling on their streamer. Are there any options?


I don’t know why people fail to understand that any and every technology product is itself the product of a global supply chain.

Exactly. Just a general remark, not really directed at the OP:

Anyone who has ethical qualms should pay attention to politics and voice their opinions in various ways, donate money, call or write representatives, contribute to organizations for justice, and boycott where appropriate. Those hung up on tiny gestures should recognize that the best thing to do is the most effective thing, not tiny virtue signals via audio purchases.

+1 for Small Green Computer.  I have an i5 as well and Andrew offers great support. 

Grace Digital is based in California. Whether or not the products are actually made here, another story. Their phone number is American based, and at least if you call, someone that speaks English answers the phone. I have been using their digital link product for 3 years now, zero issues. It is just a simple streamer that contains a screen, and allows you to connect it to any existing hifi set up. $179 is a bargain, $149-$159 on sale now and then, even better! Can stream the highest resolutions? No, but it at least does CD quality. Good enough for me.