vinyl we are a mytek dealer the manhatten and empire are reference products from mytek the brooklyn is a starter line
ooddiofyl our 432evo servers far outperform Innous and are upgradable our7800 Aeon matched the 25k innous statement with uprgaded power supply.
ghdprentice we did a shootout Aeon vs 12k aurender n20 the Aeon was far better.
we have a wimi pro in for testing this thing barely works streams tidal and quobuzz okay through app tidala and quobuz conect dont work at all spotify doeesnt work tidal does seen to sound decent
the dts play fi stuff is garbage denon heos is also poor
our take away bluesound node still best under 1k
over 1k lumin innous aurender
really goood streaming is generally 3k and above
Dave and Troy
Audio intellect nj
Streaming specialists