Distinctly Digital Forever?

Something always made me believe that a decent tube preamp could "mellow" or "naturalize" the sound of digital sources. But this doesn't seem to be so. OTOH, maybe there are DACS out there that not only convert to analog, but actually make digital source components sound like analog sources? So, just to further my understanding: assuming price no object, does there exist any DAC, or DAC/Pre combo, capable of making my streamer (or the best streamer in existence, for that matter) sound indistinguishable from an FM radio signal, given each "playing" the same recording at the same volume with the same EQ?



What I meant to say was you'd be surprised how important the network side of the system is; meaning from where the internet enters your house, to the router, through walls or however it gets to your streamer. All the cable, all the power supplies for routers, switches, etc, are all important. And the power cords for the power supplies, etc. Good luck.

Yes, I see. And will definitely explore what might be done to improve the front end of the network setup. Appreciate the advice.

Border patrol with the tube in the power supply section.. wonderful sound and the tube can be turned on or off. 

I really wonder why people want digital to sound like an FM broadcast.  It’s like going to an expensive restaurant and complaining that it doesn’t taste like Wendys 

@mahler123 Talk about coming full-circle in 30 years. If only Harry Pearson were around to read that comment. True, HP never got to hear the latest in streamers and DACs introduced since 2014. But he certainly knew the broadcast stations with the highest engineering standards, and the high-end tuners that were once common (Magnum Dynalab is still made today). Prior comments agree that the very best digital components, carefully matched in the right playback environment, can now MATCH the naturalness of analog. Others say "not quite, but you can get close" using certain DACs. You seem to be all by your lonesome in the extreme comparison of digital reproduction (generically) to Michelin 3-star cuisine, or FM broadcast reproduction (generically) to junk food. 

Oh, well. In statistics we discard the outliers. In elections, votes for Gus Hall or George Lincoln Rockwell do count -- they just don't count for MUCH.