Marantz SA-10

I currently own a Modwright Marantz SA-8005. Its has some upgrades including a WyWires umbilical and SR Purple fuse. Its a great player but I'm considering some system upgrades and the Modwright outboard PS will be an issue. The plan was to move to either an Esoteric/Luxman unit but after doing some research another possible candidate might be a Marantz SA-10. Has anyone had a chance to compare the SA-10 with the Modwright SA-8005? Would the SA-10 be and upgrade or just a sideways move? As always your feedback is appreciated.


Just thought I would circle back and answer my own question. I pulled the trigger on a Marantz SA-10 from Music Direct last week. Its been breaking in since Thursday and it has about 30 hours on it. More time is needed but I can give some early impressions.

Compared to my Modwright this player is just in a whole other league. More resolution, transparency and dynamics combined with a very refined sound. Given the cost differences this is to be expected. The build quality is also at level commensurate with the cost. I'm really enjoying my time with the SA-10 and think it will be a significant upgrade to my system. 


Congratulations @cmach on the new acquisition! I have only read good to great reviews on this player. Hope you enjoy it for many many years.



Nice score! Good to read an update on the SA-10. One day, I will add this Reference player to my collection.

what other gear, including Cabling, rounds out your System?

Happy Listening!

@cmach thanks for the circle back!  I still I have my Modwright and will be comparing it to the Luxman D-07x when it is is broken in.  My other thought was a Holo May KTE dac with a PS audio transport, but I'm trying to reduce my "boxes".  The true test is when I can bring the Luxman into my system for a direct A/B from the dealer.  Glad to hear your thoughts on the SA-10 and that is still in the mix.

Cmach congratulations make sure use the balance on SA10 ? It will shine more .