Did Marconi invented radio...?



Tesla's four-tuned circuits (two on the receiving side and two on the transmitting side, secured by U.S. patents #645,576 and #649,621) were the basis of the U.S. Supreme Court decision (Case #369 decided June 21, 1943) to overturn Marconi's basic patent on the invention of radio.

Marconi merely demonstrated Tesla's invention, but the gullible media and the greedy industry that followed continue to perpetuate a myth that Marconi invented radio. Who do you believe has more credibility...industries promoting their own businesses, or the U.S. Supreme Court?

Marconi's two-tuned circuit system was the same as that advanced by Heinrich Hertz and was no more a viable system of radio than that advanced by Mahlon Loomis in 1872...long before Hertz or Tesla. In one of my pages I tell the complete story in legal and technical terms. Any unbiased reader should understand that it was Maxwell, Hertz, and Tesla who were the actual pioneers of radio. Marconi only helped develop radio after it was invented. Mr. Edison and Mr. Marconi's popularity in history is just another example of historians promoting entrepreneurs and technologists over the actual discoverers.
Invention, and development of the invention into a practical device, are two different things. Tesla and many, many others could come up with nifty ideas and maybe even make a working prototype, but that's a far cry from developing and implementing reliable products that can be rolled out to the general public for general use. Give Edison some credit for not just the light bulb, but for making practical the whole electrical distribution system behind it that wound up illuminating the cities of the world...
No, give Tesla credit for what you mentioned! Do you still use DC current or AC? Or do you know the difference?
Who did invent the "Tesla's AC motor?". According to you, Edison did. While Tesla and Westinghouse were ocupied with practical aplication of AC current, Edison and his DC current backers, were electricuting domestic animals with AC current to prove how dangerious AC was.
Tesla is the greatest inventor the world has ever forgotten. He is also the greatest inventor the Smithsonian has ever 'swept under the carpet.'And apparently you agree.

He holds over forty U.S. patents (circa 1888) covering our entire system of Polyphase Alternating Current (AC). These patents are so novel that nobody could ever challenge them in the courts.

The Direct Current (DC) system Edison used in his much touted Pearl Street generating station was invented by others before his time; he merely copied the work of others to promote his business enterprise...and the Smithsonian wants you to believe he was America's 'King of Electricity.' There is simply no evidence to support this claim.

...you asked for something? And my posts? If you do not like it it means that your balls are tangled in your shorts and it's cutting off the blood supply to your brain.
Several years before anyone succeeded in communicating via "radio", a brilliant Scottish physicist named James Clerk Maxwell predicted, using mathematics, that it would be possible to send information through space without wires.
Stay up all night Dragon thinking that one up.Real class act you are.This is a great place comments like your are for gutter rats.