Why do I need a switch?

I just watched a few videos about audiophile switches and I don’t understand the need. Cable comes into my home and goes to a modem and then a NetGear Nighthawk router. I can run a CAT6 to my system or use the wireless. If you don’t need more ports, why add something else in the signal path?  On one  of the videos the guy was even talking about stacking several switches with jumpers and it made the sound even better. He supposedly bought bunch’s of switches at all ranges and really liked a NETGEAR 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switch (GS108Ev3) That costs $37 on Amaz.

Thanks in advance.


I would get rid of as much noise and interference.  There are several other things that will give more improvement than a switch.

Good cords, dedicated circuit, ethernet filtering, no wall warts in the circuit.  I would say these items would help all systems.

If you truly want better sounding digital ,then go to little green computer to see options 

never have separate modem,routers  i bough5 the latest docsis 3.1 motorola 8702 combo much faster,more cohesive , and get rid of the crappy $10 power supply 

$299 12v Zlinear power supply for starters , for sure helps streaming 

then a converter hub from Ethernet to fiber optic to a Sonore Deluxe as your digital converter end point with has very low noise regulators and Femto clocks  a good LPS there .I use the excellent Linear Tube Audio  LPS ,it’s the best under $1200 I have found for $750 ,, a substantial upgrade in sound that goes to your server .and good quality Ethernet cables is important and very Audible.remove all weak links in the chain. Digital noise is jitter that can and does travel house to house  if you hav3 coax cable coming into your house.

OK since we just experimented with this last week, the Silent Angel makes a good streamer and switch.  Like Bill says, it takes out the noise.  Not sure how effective the really cheap ones are but you can test them to see if there is an improvement.  You can reach out to me if you are interest in the SA products.  I am not a dealer but an industry insider.


Happy Listening.


Tp-Link makes them for $20 each, plus the fiber.

The outside coax surge protector I use is this one:
