@grislybutter Don't get your shorts in a knot. For starters, I said it's a silly comment that comes up a lot. Indicating many people like to say it. I was not meaning to disparage you directly, I am not calling you silly, sorry if you took it that way, but I am am calling that particular comment silly. And you did not state you pay a larger "percentage" in tax. You made that claim about your charitable giving, and I applaud your generosity. You exact comment on tax was "not to mention I pay way more taxes." My issue with that statement, and all those who repeat it, is the simple fact, people who earn the big incomes pay more total tax dollars than those who earn less. Your words "A person who reports more, to be correct" indicates people who are dishonest and lie to the tax department are the ones who pay less. That's a discussion for another day. As for your "rich friends" who brag about paying less tax than you, I can only suggest they are full of s-h-i-t. Some of the biggest lies people like to tell is who much they make and how little they pay.
Anyway, this is supposed to be a forum about music. Sorry again if we are getting off track. Usually happens by the time any thread hits page 3. We are both entitled to our own views.