Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?

If not why are many hardly using the systems they assembled, why are so many upgrading fairly new gear that’s fully working? Seems to me many are designed to impress reviewers, show-goers, short-term listeners, and on the sales floor but once in a home system, in the long run, they fatigue users fail to engage and make you feel something is missing so back you go with piles of cash.


It's a crowded marketplace and grabbing attention is half the game. Whether they are thinking about the step beyond that is an open question. Do most people who buy audiophile equipment --and what gets counted, here? -- get hooked into a buying cycle? I don't know.

If that's how you really feel then you aren't their target market. Plainly stated, manufacturers want to impress you at demo time so that you will purchase. They then want that experience to continue to enhance so that you will comment positively and tell others, so they will repeat the exercise and buy more gear. Most gear made today is exceptional at the various price points.


So, relax, as long as the hobby continues to evolve (young, intelligent leaders replacing those who "age out") as it has with regard to sound quality and features for the $$ as well as increased reliability, everything will be ok.

it is simple assembling a great system is an art and today many people base their buying decisions on internet reviews from reviewers without proper experience or gear to test from 


nor do nany people have the patience and understanding 


cites that are measurement based are leading people astray


learn by listening 

Much of the modern design goes into causing a product to fail at a certain time or after certain num of uses. And it was reported by reviewers that sometimes they come across an item that's voiced to stand out but not to give long-lasting pleasure. It would benefit a manufacturer to get you to upgrade shortly after you just purchased and I'm pretty sure they know this so why not design it to happen? Is this hobby about constant upgrades or system synergy and long-term enjoyment? Seems to me most are on the constant upgrade path and that's profitable. Why would I want to build you a product that lasts a lifetime? I just killed my future sales.

@johnk there are many high end audio products that last a lifetime with proper maintenance.