Problems with forum lag/performance?

Whether I'm running Chromium or Brave, I get weird lag when I load Audiogon Forum pages.  If I load too many tabs, it'll drag my entire machine until I have to physically reset it.

Desktop is Linux Mint 20.3.  Browsers are Chromium and Brave.


I think this has something to do with the way Audiogon is implementing its ads and ad technologies. Do you have an ad blocker on? I’ve noticed that if my ad blocker is on using the Chrome browser, it crawls and freezes. Disabling ad blockers seems to address the issue. In Firefox, it seems to be okay for the most part. 

Running Chrome on an M1 Mac Mini with a WiFi connection to my router I have no lag at all, even when going through a VPN.

I was having problems connecting and posting in the forums up until a couple of weeks ago, everything seems fine now.  It didn’t matter if I used my iPad or Windows based computer.  I guess something got fixed.