Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?

(1) Either single unit CD Player or Transport/DAC combo.

(2) no modded units please, only factory stock models

(3) please rank them if you can


A few come to my mind:

EMM Labs, DCC2 SE + CDSA SE combo
Esoteric, P-03/D-03/G-0Rb combo
Wadia, 581 Pro
Bar81. You shd know by now I'm a conservative guy so it's gotta be right. I just confirmed the spelling of E-N-V-Y,
Happy Listening & tell us all about it. Pete
Re: Absolute Sound Review of 069
If you read the review closely, it's evident that AC truly liked the Burmester,
but didn't feel it was a ''breakthrough'' product. AC ranked it slightly above the
EMM player and even preferred SACD on the latter to the Redbook layer on
hybrid discs played on the 069. Certainly at 60-65K that's not nearly good
A revealing reply by Robert Harley to a reader's letter states that compari-
sons of equipment to equipment meets with "resistance" from manufacturers.