High power class D amps more than make up for the difference in dynamic contrast between low and high efficiency speakers. High efficiency speakers have way worse problems than thermal compression.
@jon_5912 Rather than innuendo, could you be specific about ’way worse problems’?
If any amplifier is properly designed and operating properly, it will not add dynamic contrast to the signal. The signal itself is the source of dynamic contrast. Loudspeakers only take away from that; if you value dynamic contrast, using a speaker that has the least thermal compression will bring you closer to your goal. In this light, ESLs have the least thermal compression owing to no voice coil at all; a close runner up is higher efficiency loudspeakers, in particular those that employ field coils (since the magnetic field in an electro-magnetic loudspeaker does not sag when current is applied to the voice coil).
Some argue that SETs are the most ’dynamic’ of all amplifiers, but if you use a sound level pressure meter you find out that isn’t true- its really distortion on the leading edge of transients interacting with the way the ear perceives loudness that causes this impression.
Amplifiers cannot ’make up the difference’ in terms of dynamic contrast.
My experience with ESL’s says that this low impedance (1/3rd of an Ohm) in the upper octave is quite noticeable and often pushes owners to beefier solid state amps.
@erik_squires FWIW, about 90% of our MA-2 (a 220Watt class A triode OTL) production are running on Sound Lab ESLs. Tubes work quite well with ESL57s, ESL63s and ESL98s. Most solid state amps behave as a voltage source and since ESLs in general tend to have an impedance curve that varies by about 9:1 or 10:1 from the bass region to the highs, quite often a voltage source will sound bright as the amp doubles its output again and again as frequency is increased.
For this reason, some ESL producers make their speakers low impedance in the bass and nearly a dead short in the highs, limiting the ability of the amp to drive the higher frequencies (partly due to the speaker cable impedance becoming a significant portion of the source impedance).
Even then, brightness is an ever-present danger with such amps, particularly if they have distortion rising with frequency.
I think the answer to that is the so-called Hoffman’s Iron Law
@lanx0003 Exactly!