What to do with my legacy CD collection?

I am about to dive head first into Hi-Res Digital Audio streaming.  My current situation is complex, though.

I have 6,000 cds in my collection.  I am beginning a project to rip my favorites ~ 2,000 cds, which are mostly special editions, rare and collectible, to FLAC files and play them on my Innuos Zenith mk3 server and Qutest Dac using an ipad and Innuos Sense app as my UI.  

The whole rig will be backed up to a  2 drive Synology Nas using RAID 1 plus an icloud back-up.  

I will keep these as many are Mofi Gold, DCC gold, SACDs, DVD-Audio Disks in 5.1 surround, HDCD encoded, etc., to occaisionally play them on my Oppo 105 universal player where they sound marvelous.

That leaves me with 4,000 CDs leftover.  Most of them can be Hi-Res streamed via Quobuz or Tidal, both of which are native to my Innuos server.

Some of these are in original jewel cases (about 1,500) that I will sort through and keep, sell (haha), donate or toss.  

The remaing 2,500 are in binders without artwork.  I really don't know what to do with this group: keep as back-ups or toss.  Any suggestions?

I would appreciate any opinions or feedback on my plan, so far.


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Timely question. I have something like 4500 CDs that I ripped to FLAC. They are stored under the stairs in boxes and I have backups of the 1 TB or so of digital information so I should also consider donating them!

I am in the process of re-ripping my CD collection to FLAC. When I first ripped my collection in the early 00's it was for portability and file size management purposes which mean low quality MP3, M4A, AACs and my CD player had died so I transitioned to streaming. Never got rid of the CDs though. This past year I bought a new CD transport and DAC and started critically and purposely listening to my CDs again and had forgotten, truly, how good they sound.  I'm re-ripping to FLAC as a backup but also for convenience. I'm still buying select CDs by my favorite artists because that's the primary format I have that artist in and some of them never had vinyl releases. 

As a result of re-ripping, I'm culling the herd and will donate what I don't want to a local library/school/charity and keep only the most important CDs to me - special editions, box sets, rarities, & sentimental value. I have the urge to purge some of the detritus of my collective life but also want to pass on these interests to my children. So that's the only reason I still cling to some of these things. Much to my wife's consternation. 

I agree with some others here.
What is the need to switch from one digital format to another? I don’t get it.

- Are you moving into a much small home?
- You want the convenience of switching content with a remote, without getting out of your chair?

I would stay the course.
Full disclosure: I’ve got 6,000 LPs, I’ll be purging about 600, but remain committed to the format.

I also have 4,000 plus LPs after purging all the ones I wasn't going to listen to again (opera, comedy etc.)  And three turntables to spin them on.