Describe the "new HiFi sound"?

Recently had a discussion with an audio friend over the word "musical" and what this word means to each of us with regard to sound from different amplifiers and speakers. Some debate too.  And, reading this other comment on Agon once in a some equipment has the "new HiFi sound".  


Can someone describe this, in your words, what is the new HiFi Sound to you?  Examples? Or, opposites of the new HiFi sound, what does this sound like?





@kota1 no, had not before, and just checked it out, thanks. Nice.  You enjoy it and that's what matters. As noted "on well recorded material". Gotcha.  I listen to all sorts of different and inferior recordings, so that rules me out for immersive sound.   


Whatever floats your boat, personally I couldn't git 'er done with just 50% of the SQ I get from an immersive setup but whatever.



Whatever floats your boat, personally I couldn’t git ’er done with just 50% of the SQ I get from an immersive setup but whatever.


Yep. Was born mid-60s, still listen to old rock bands 60s, 70s, and some 80s stuff.

My former audiophile days of securing the perfect recordings and remastered tracks just to be able to sit and listen to how things sound - are over.

Back to listening to MUSIC again, most any type of average recording. Tube, old Class A solid state, whatever. It all works. Nice not to worry about that any more.

Learned all of this from my local audio shop, open 53 years. Been going there for 38 years, no joke. Has all tube, 2-channel systems, total bliss, pure music. 



There are a lot of topics in this thread! I don’t know what the "new hifi sound" is, but I think it’s worth including the art of recording in any discussion of new sound. Artists, engineers and producers have broadened the palette of sound being recorded. This isn’t as simple as an eq curve; it’s about adding octaves, pitching percussion, playing with phase to create soundstage effects and carving out eq segments to let instruments blend. I’m not judging old or new, but the sound of an old recording like Crosby Stills vs newer recording artists is dramatic and largely due to the recording artistry. We are all creatures of our time, and artists creating good or less good within the given limitations.


I checked with the dealer re: Audio Note today. I own the Sony "Signature" preamp which I would be replacing as my two channel preamp. I asked about the Audio Note "Signature" preamp, the M10, it costs over $100K☹

Do you know why you need to spend $100K+ on a two channel system? That is what it costs to make it sound decent. For the same amount of money you could buy an entire SOA immersive audio system, a projector, a screen, and room treatments. Did you buy one?