Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?

I am looking for a tube preamp and starting to narrow down my short list for auditioning. I know there are many wonderful preamps out there in the $10k and under category but I am particularly interested in learning about how these two well respected lines in particular compare to one another (doesn't have to be a comparison of their flagship models). Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

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I had a 300b amp built and I love it so much I am having it's companion DHT preamp built.     It will be similar to this but with a remote , stepped resistor volume

Im kind of roughing it with my back up Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 in the chain but judging the quality of the amp I have no doubt the preamp will be awesome.  

@oddiofyl I remember checking into toolshedamps about a year ago and discovered they are a local company!

Yes, Greenfield Wisconsin .    Matt has been great to work with.     If you click "home"  or refresh the Toolshed home page my amp is the first to pop up in the slide show.   

It was worth the money and the wait .    Build quality is over the top.   Last amp I will own.