Soundstage depth , far right , far left , rear sound , and height can be achieved with a single pair of stereo speakers . Of course the information has to be in the recording to begin with in the first place ! The equipment including your cables has to be also able to extract that info and play it back to you . In my lifetime Ive only met 3 people that can actually set up a proper stereo playback system ! A retired sound engineer , and two audio dealers . I never realized how much I was missing until I found these golden eared audiophiles .
It did cost me more than I wanted to spend on equipment but I never regretted it .
Conrad Johnson tube pre amp , Krell solid state amp, Krell CD player ,Nordast cables and speaker wire , and a pair of Anthony Gallos Reference 3.1 speakers with dedicated sub amp for the Reference 3.1 woofer , all set up properly give me all the depth , height, far left , far right , and rear sound one could ever want !
Room treatments are great but not necessary to achieve these sounds either .Ive had small rooms, large dedicated rooms , basements rooms, awkward rooms . All speakers have been properly set up by one of the gurus . I don't have the patience to sit for hours to tweak speaker placement or equipment set up but Im sure glad there are people out there that love to do this .
You would be surprised at the amount of information even from old Jimmy Hendrix studio recordings the have what I would call spatial sounds . Its been lots of fun over the years to listen to many CD's that have been recorded purposely that way .
Someday I hope you find one of these gurus that can show you the way .