Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?

Ok, help me out fellas. Is it a myth or what?

I’m a good listener, I listen deep into the music, and I feel like I have good ears. But I can’t confirm that I can hear soundstage depth. I can hear 1 instrument is louder, but this doesn’t help me to tell if something is more forward or more behind. Even in real life and 2 people are talking, I can’t honestly say I know which one is in front.

The one behind will sound less loud, but is that all there is to soundstage depth? I think the answer I’m looking for has to do with something I read recently. Something about depth exist only in the center in most system, the good systems has depth all around the soundstage.


When I moved my speakers (Vandersteen 2CE signatures) into the room, the  soundstage improved enormously: I can definitely hear that some instruments and some parts of the orchestra are in front of others.  I have had less luck with the Magnepan LRS speakers in my second system - but the room is unfriendly for the purpose.

+1 @terraplane8bob One little knob makes it all! But real or not real doesn’t really matter as long as it’s done with quality. A flat recording without any depth is without life and boring to listen to.

Alex/Wavetouch     I enjoyed reading your take on the subject. Took some time to get my speakers positioned and room treatment optimised.   However there is some truth in your description of modern audiophile recordings and kit.   Often I feel I’m missing out in comparison to my “cheap Hifi” of the seventies. When I hear music if that era played on “vintage” systems I still get the n my magic.  Makes me wonder whether I’ve convinced myself that I could have made a mistake spending a lot on my present kit which sounds awesome in a “ modern audiophile “ way.         

Soundstage depth , far right , far left , rear sound , and height can be achieved with a single pair of stereo speakers . Of course the information has to be in the recording to begin with in the first place ! The equipment including your cables has to be also able to extract that info and play it back to you . In my lifetime Ive only met 3  people that can actually set up a proper stereo playback system ! A retired sound engineer , and two audio dealers . I never realized how much I was missing until I found these golden eared audiophiles .

It did cost me more than I wanted to spend on equipment but I never regretted it .

Conrad Johnson tube pre amp , Krell solid state amp, Krell CD player ,Nordast cables and speaker wire , and a pair of Anthony Gallos Reference 3.1 speakers with dedicated sub amp for the Reference 3.1 woofer , all set up properly give me all the depth , height, far left , far right , and rear sound one could ever want !

Room treatments are great but not necessary to achieve these sounds either .Ive had small rooms,  large dedicated rooms , basements rooms, awkward rooms  . All  speakers have been properly set up by one of the gurus . I don't have the patience to sit for hours to tweak speaker placement or equipment set up but Im sure glad there are people out there that love to do this .

You would be surprised at the amount of information even from old Jimmy Hendrix studio recordings the have what I would call spatial sounds . Its been lots of fun over the years to listen to many CD's that have been recorded purposely that way .

Someday I hope you find one of these gurus that can show you the way .