DAC for second system

Putting together an office audio system; with space constraints ( not to mention cost).

Looking at R2R  NOS DACS; for an organic sounding system.

There are many threads on Border Patrol, MHDT, Lab 12 etc.  I see there is an upgraded ( as compared to earlier threads) Border Patrol SE-1.

Any listening perspectives on the upgraded model.

Any suggestions in the 2-3 K price point ( up to 5 if its really good ).



Consider the Schiit Modi Multibit 2. It has a very small footprint and is getting excellent user reviews over at Head-Fi.org -- its the subject of a long thread. I'm really enjoying mine. The only catch is there is now a 10 to 12 week wait for them.

Don't get separates for the office, get a pair of active speakers like the Kef LSX. They are an entire system of speaker/amp/pramp/dac rolled into an active speaker:



or the Paradigm PW-600:


I have the LAB 12 and it’s a great sounding DAC.   Zero features but great sound