DAC for second system

Putting together an office audio system; with space constraints ( not to mention cost).

Looking at R2R  NOS DACS; for an organic sounding system.

There are many threads on Border Patrol, MHDT, Lab 12 etc.  I see there is an upgraded ( as compared to earlier threads) Border Patrol SE-1.

Any listening perspectives on the upgraded model.

Any suggestions in the 2-3 K price point ( up to 5 if its really good ).



Two inexpensive Musical sounding R2R DACS for 2nd. system that sound wonderful...Denafrips Ares 2 and Schiit Bifrost 2. ....Also... Audiomirror tubed R2R Toubadour IV SE.....@ $3500. Handbuilt in USA. Beautiful Music.

Has anyone heard the upgraded SE-I version of Border Patrol?  Recent reviews have been very postiive.

I have not auditioned it personally but Gustard r26 had excellent reviews. Pay due attentions to its performance relative to the new Ares 12th and BF 2/64.

Consider a Topping DAC.


A friend of mine bought a Topping DAC, he's just getting into audio, he said the topping sounded the same as his CD player from the 80's, but he did say it made music from his computer sound better.