Legacy Audio "V" Statement/Flagship Speaker...

Wondering if anyone heard them at RMAF 2014 and could share some listening impressions. The photos that are starting to pop up certainly make a profound statement as to how beautiful they are....
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Mark, I'm sorry to say that the one time I made it to Legacy room it was just after 6p and the sweet spot was hogged by a tipsy woman who would not stop gabbing with her girlfriend. I had to get up and leave. Unfortunately we never made it back.
Sure did! The Legacy V was easily the best speaker of the show. It was the best speaker I've ever heard, period... by a long shot.

Incredible dynamics across the full frequency range, and clarity that is so good it is scary. I've heard Stevie Ray Vaughan on everything, but on the V I heard details in the recording I've never heard before- now all crystal clear.

I walked around the room- the sweet spot is HUGE. I could not believe what I was hearing. This is a huge step up in speaker performance.

They had an iPad for adjusting the speaker- it was very simple to use. Just grab a bass, mid or treble slider and go for it.

The Absolute Sound reviewer had said Aeris was the avatar for the next generation of what speakers should be. The V is that next generation speaker, arrived.

And yes, they are beautiful in person!
Leave it to ebm to infuse a post about magico in a non-magico thread. Bravo, ebm, well done!
