Vibration isolation or absorption?

You see those pointy things at the bottom of a speaker that are very very sharp.  Arguably a weapon in the wrong hands.  And then you see those same pointy things inserted into a disk.

So the pointy things, aka ‘spikes’ , can Channel vibration elsewhere and away from the components and speakers, or they can isolate it.

Seems channeling vibration away from a component/ speaker, which I guess is absorption, is preferable.

Is this true? And why do they keep saying isolation.



I think you can only hear a noticeable difference with isolation or not on a suspended floor. Concrete floors are much better 

Whenever I see speakers on stands with spikes - and I have no experience with spikes - I wonder if they’re vibrating some of their energy into the stand itself, and thus losing some of their refinement.

A pair of Ohm Walsh II’s - and Magnepan too - sound bass-heavy and muddy in the low end, and vibrate the floor - the Walsh far more than the Magnepan.

Up on Sorbothane hemispheres, no vibration, bass issues gone, and the soundscape becomes properly tight and they can handle much more base.

A pair of Infinity Kappa 6 don’t sound bad on their stands, but they sound noticeably finer when isolated from the stands.

As I stated before, vibration control is a matter of tuning.  Not only does the approach matter, but also the degree of vibration damping or transfer that matters.  I attended a demonstration of Symposium platforms that all work in the same way, but differ in the amount of damping provided.  On one particular component, a CD player, the shelves made a big difference in the sound.  But, when the most expensive platform with the highest degree of damping was put under the CD player, the sound became too dry and analytical.  This was not just my conclusion, but everyone else thought the same, including the Symposium representative.  The idea that the "ideal" is the least amount of vibrational energy is not always the case and this goes with all components as well as room treatments. 

The worst room I ever heard was one designed and implemented by Corning that maximized absorption of sound hitting the walls and ceiling--this room was so unlistenable.  I've experimented with applying extra damping to the outside of speaker cabinets and in most cases the sound got worse--the designer probably tuned the sound using such cabinet vibration.  

I recommend trying different products. but keep and open mind and be willing to accept that the new product may not offer the right kind of tuning or the right degree of tuning.