Eagle John Iverson

I have a Eagle 7A that needs attention. Is John still around ?
Someone used to run a classified in Stereophile (I think) about service for Eagle amps. Not in the current issue, but you might find it if you go back a bit.
I believe Jon Iverson is, or was, writing for Stereophile -- clips on audio news. If he's not, email Stereophile for his whereabouts.
I think this might help you. I tracked Rus down when I owned an Eagle 2a. Nice guy, worked for John Iverson. Does updates & repairs on all eagle amps. Hope this does the trick! eagle@sky.net
Jon Iverson (alive SP writer) is different person vs. John Iverson (apparently deceased irrascible highly entertaining vintage BMW R-90S riding one tough sum' bitch audio engineer). Contact eagle@blitz-it.net. I've got addressif necessary. Cheers-Jim Romeyn