Meandering Pitch, Where’s The Problem?

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’ve been modifying a Thorens TD 160 MK1. It is and will remain a dedicated mono table. Currently, I’m using the original TP 16 MK1 tonearm with an AT 33 mono cartridge. I will eventually replace the TP 16 with an Origin Live tonearm and EMT mono cartridge. I still however like playing records while in it’s current state. What I’ve experienced with a number of classical records is pitch instability. Primarily when playing piano recordings. There are certain passages that are a problem and I’m not exactly sure the cause. My cartridge is aligned using Baerwald. I understand that with some records, especially very old mono vinyl, that the pressings could be off but if that were the case, then the entire album would be an issue. I do need a new belt but I’ve still had this issue with a brand new Thorens or Origin Live belt. Just wondering what others think and if there’s an antidote? Thanks!


It could be a number of things....

If the spindle hole is off center, that can certainly cause a meandering pitch.

If the motor isn't maintaining a stable speed, that can especially be noticeable on sustained piano notes as the pitch will waiver.

If your belt is stretched/worn, etc that can also contribute to the issue.  Also, make sure that both the motor pulley and the subplatter that the belt goes around are clean.

Best wishes,


If the belt is more than 5 years old that's the first thing I would try.  Cheap and it never hurts to have a new belt ....  

AC synchronized motor deck, I’d look at the belt drive system.

Remove and reinstall the outer platter inverted along with the mat and a record stacked on top to accurately load the TD-160’s suspension. Turn on the platter rotation and view the belt’s action on the drive pulley - I believe you’ll see it hunting along the taper causing the pitch deviation.

Dave @ Vinyl Nirvana knows Thorens belts.

@boothroyd Thanks Dave. You've been helpful the many times I've posted. I can do as you suggest but I fail to understand 'I believe you’ll see it hunting along the taper causing the pitch deviation.' Would you please clarify?