New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.


@rc22 A solution to your Puritan breaker issue maybe to buy a Puritan UK power cord with a UK power plug, in which you can install a SR Master Fuse.

N.B. UK plug fuses are a different size but SR provides them.

Purchase a single outlet Furutech UK wall socket to complete the setup.


@lordmelton that is an interesting proposal.  I appreciate it.

There is yet another wrinkle, however.  A dealer tells me Isol-8 has a conditioner that he prefers to the Puritan for sound quality.  I’ll probably try it in the next 30-60 days.  If I do prefer it, it would be a bonus if it had a fuse.  While I would consider buying a master fuse for the Puritan and keeping the Puritan if I loved the result, I’m not anxious to incur the add’l costs of the UK cable and outlet in order to buy a fuse.  I think I could sell my Puritan for about what the isol-8 six port will cost or a little under.

I should start a thread to see if anyone has compared Isol-8 Poweline Ultra (4 or 6 port) to Puritan.

It's a little over three weeks now since I installed my SR Master Fuse in my Plixir 3000 balanced power conditioner.

The effects have been nothing short of unbelievable, and I'm still hearing improvements on a daily basis.

The most notable improvement has been to DSD files which now leap out of the speakers. The Who's SACDs, Tommy, Singles and Quadrophenia exude realism like never before.

I have a few adjustments to make to my system and then will probably get another Master Fuse for my Aurender N20.

Since I have only one source component installing it in the source makes most sense. Multiple digital sources will probably benefit most from a DAC installed fuse.

Purple fuses are on special now until EOM, buy 2 get 3.

@lordmelton I found out that you can over-do it with the Master Fuses.

As Ted says, you get the best result with the use of Master Fuses in your source equipment and Purple fuses in the rest of the chain. The Master Fuses primarily emphasize the high frequencies in an amazing way that produces certain details in spades. The Purple fuses are about full mids, mid-bass, and top end freqs up to a certain point. The Master Fuses can bring out details which the Purple fuses cannot, but they can be over-used. I’ve now tried replacing three small Purple fuses in various locations in my digital front end with Master Fuses, along with two large Purple fuses in my amp with Master fuses. My system sounds much better with two Purple fuses left in the amp (along with Purple in my preamp). The large fuses with more crystals inside and more UEF goop on the exterior have a bigger effect.

For anyone wondering, I hope this helps. IMO, the Purple fuses represent great value. The $600 Master Fuses are excellent at the highest frequencies, but they need Purple fuses in the downstream analog equipment to be in overall balance.