How can I improve my CD sound?

Anyone out there know the secret as to why I can't listen to cd's on any of my players I've tried or anyone elses either? What is interesting is that I can listen to FM, which is mostly CD's and I don't get the ear pain I get from mine. Why not a bother? Don't give me any easy answers. I've tried them more that likely. I've spoken to the engineers at many radio stations and they all tell me that they are not placing any "correction" electronics at their stations. Got to be an answer to this. Love to be able to to listen to them. Thanks, you guys!.
I have had real good luck with the Marigo mat. Signature or regular. Smooth but still detailed.
Put a transparent MM PC on your CD player and support it on mapleshade triplepoints into a maple wood platform which is also supported by isolation feet.
I have no doubt, a change of interconnects, power cables and supports make a big difference. For the first 2, the cable company may be able to advise you and lend some cables. For support, I like a svelt shelf with rollerblock juniors. There are certainly warmer sounding players around, the Shanling CDT 100 I used for years, Marantz, Lector all come to mind